Battery strap 19/20AH 25/30AH for all BMW R2V Boxer models
One for all. Our newly developed strap can be used due to its strong extensibility for all battery holders, no matter which battery is installed.
Length: ca. 255mm
Width: ca. 20mm
Diametre of a bolt: ca. 5mm
Length of a bolt: ca. 30mm
Für alle BMW R 2V Boxer Modelle
R 50/5, R 60/5, R 75/5, R 60/6, R 75/6, R 90/6, R )0S, R 60/7, R 60T, R 75/7, R 75T, R 80/7, R 80/7N, R 80/7S, R 80, R 80N, R 80TN, R 80TS, R 100/7, R 100, R 100T, R 100S, R 100CS, R 100RS, R 100RT
Monolever models R 65, R 80, R 80RT, R 100RS, R 100RT, R 80G/S, R 65GS, R 80G/S PD, R 80ST
Paralever models
R 80GS, R 80 GS PD, R 100GS, R 100GS PD, R80R, R 80R Mystic, R 100R, R 100R Mystic, R 45, R 45N, R 45S, R 45T, R 45NT, R 65, R 65T, R 65LS
Compare original BMW part no.: 61211243562 / 61-21-1-243-562
Compare original BMW part no.: 61211230392 / 61-21-1-230-392
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