Pillion foot rest, angular
for /7 models up to september 1980 and R45/65
Compare: 46711234661 / 46-71-1-234-661
R 60/7, R 60T, R 75/7, R 75T, R 80/7, R 80/7N, R 80/7S, R 80, R 80N, R 80TN, R 80TS, R 80RT, R 100/7, R 100, R 100T, R 100S, R 100RS, R 100RT, R 45, R 45N, R 45S, R 45T, R 45NT, R 65, R 65T, R 65LS
Metal, chrome-plated, right, short (thread 35mm)...