M4 x 153 VA polished
/5 to 60/6 models
19" front wheel, 17" paralever models
Compare: 36311452737 / 36-31-1-452-737
Front wheel: BMW R 50/5, R 60/5, R 75/5, R 60/6
Rear wheel: BMW R 80GS, R 80GS PD, R 100GS, R 100GS PD, R 80GS Basic und R 80R, R 80R Mystic, R 100R, R100R Mystic, R 80R Classic, R 100R Classic
You need 40 spokes per wheel.
Rubber for rectangular driver footrest
for /7-models up...
Metal black right, long
for R90S, /6 and /7 models...