Jingle Bells by Hornig with BMW motorcycles
2015-11-17 - played with different motorcycle horns In order to sweeten the pre-Christmas period for you, we came up with something very special again and converted four of our BMW motorcycles into music instruments. After several more or less successful practices the famous Jingle Bells song could finally be recorded.
The four motorcycles that were used for the record are our R1200RT LC (2014), our R1200GS LC (2013), our R1100R scrambler conversion and our S1000RR (2015). Both the R1200RT LC and the R1200GS LC are equipped with a Nautilus horn, type Wolo Bad Boy. This horn with compressor produces two tones at the same time wherefore it can reach a very high volume level. Due to the R1200RT LC having more fairing parts than the R1200GS LC, the horn sounds a little bit different on the two motorcycles. Our R1100R scrambler conversion is endowed with a Magnum Wolo horn. This is a one-tone-horn and, again, it generates another sound than the two Nautilus horns mentioned before. Our S1000RR still has its original BMW horn, so that our quartet of different horn sounds was finally complete.
You can find the horns we used for the record here:
Nautilus Horn for R1200RT LC (2014-)Nautilus Horn for R1200GS LC (2013-)Magnum Wolo Horn for R1100RConvince yourself of our musical talent and watch our Jingle Bells video ;-)
The Hornig team wishes you a nice pre-Christmas season!
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